So, this is our formal dining room before...

We've used it a total of three times in the past year: Cohen's 2nd Birthday Party, Thanksgiving '08 and Christmas '08. What a waste of space! So we decided to make it a playroom instead. (By the way, can anyone else see the two "orbs" in this photo? I'm thinking they were reflections from my watch and wedding ring. Yep, I'm going with that.)
And this is what the room looks like now:

Cohen plays with his Thomas train table and trains every SINGLE day. And before bed he'll tell us, "I have to go put my trains to sleep!", and he'll go and put them inside the shed or roundhouse to "sleep". Too cute.

We're waiting on one more piece of furniture and the room will be finished. We had the bookcase and book rack made by a local cabinet guy and he's also finishing up a 3-cube bench for us too. Hopefully we'll get it this week.

Cohen decided that he'd rather sit in the basket to read his books than his special reading chair that mommy and daddy bought for him! It is so nice having this space for Cohen. I think I'm especially going to love it for hosting playgroups! It just makes our home so much more kid-friendly!
I love it! And, I'm (secretly) planning a setup like this for our dining room, too - eventually!