Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We found James!

So about six or seven months ago when I was suffering from a bad, bad case of morning sickness, I decided to hide one of Cohen's Thomas and Friends trains named James. You see, this particular James train is a battery-operated train that drives on his own with the push of a button. Cohen would continuously get James stuck underneath the couch or bed and then cry and beg for me to rescue James for him. After about ten times of rescuing James, I put James way up in the top of one of our closets while Cohen was napping. Normally I would just have continued my rescue missions, but I was so, so, SO sick and couldn't find the energy to get out of bed most days, much less find the energy to move a couch or crawl under the bed! And then James got lost...or rather, I lost him!

I figured that I would end up finding James while cleaning out and organizing the closets, but nope! I looked, and looked, and looked, but still no James. So last week Abraham decided to look for him. Let me add here that Abe has some unusual difficulty finding anything! Even when you tell him exactly where the item is, he still overlooks it. This is one of those traits about my husband that drives me crazy sometimes, but really it's pretty darn cute and I love helping him out to find things. Well, much to my surprise Daddy found James! James was hiding out in the top nightstand drawer in our bedroom underneath about six books that I've started reading and haven't finished yet. Silly me...I guess I should have looked in the nightstand first considering the fact that I spent almost three months bed-ridden next to that nightstand!

Cohen was so very happy the day James was found! I'm talking smiling, laughing, and dancing-around-the-house happy. Here is a picture of Cohen and James. And when I can figure out how to upload a video...I have a super cute video to add to this post!

1 comment:

  1. Lil' Miss Muffet -
    I found you...lalala la...(that was sung in the tune of Elmo...)

    I'm glad you found the train, what a sweet memory!

    I love your blog...
    Blessings to you,
    lana :)
