That being said, I need to give you a bit of background information. I had a c-section with Cohen three years ago. With my second pregnancy, I was seeing one of the best obstetricians in the area (and one of the few who will even consider performing a vaginal birth after cesearean delivery or VBAC). At 36 weeks I hired a doula, otherwise known as a labor support person, and switched from seeing my OB to seeing the midwives at Holy Family Services Birth Center in Weslaco, Texas.
In the early hours of Wednesday, November 11, I woke up in the middle of the night with very strong and almost painful contractions. I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions since my 34th week, but the contractions I woke up with on this morning were definitely much stronger than what I had been experiencing. My body was still so exhausted from the food poisoning incident just days before, so thankfully I would quickly doze off again after feeling a contraction. That morning I started timing them. The contractions were not regular at all. They were 8 minutes apart, then 20, then 15, then back down to 7 or 8 minutes apart. I really didn't think much of them since I still hadn't lost my mucus plug or had any "bloody show" and the fact that on Monday when my midwife checked, my cervix wasn't dilated at all and was still posterior. I also called my doula and she said I could experience irregular contractions like this for a week or even longer. So then I really didn't think about them and just went about my day.
Wednesday, November 11th was also the day Abe had hoped to see one of his newest favorite groups, Pretty Lights, in Austin which is about a five-hour drive from where we live. He knew that I would be over 39 weeks pregnant, but we were going to play things by ear and see if I was having any major signs that I would deliver soon. We talked with my doula about it as well as the midwife and both of them truly felt that Abe would be fine going to Austin, as long as he were "on call" in case real labor began. I also felt comfortable with Abe going to Austin because I just didn't "feel" ready and even if I did go into labor, I had my doula for support. So on Wednesday sometime after 2pm, Abe picked up his friend (also named Abe, so I'll just refer to him as Abe Number Two) and they were on their way to Austin.
After Abe left Cohen and I took a peaceful two-hour nap. I was so, so tired on Wednesday, even though I had slept 11 hours the previous night, and 12 hours the night before. I even got to take short catnaps on Wednesday morning while Cohen kept busy in his playroom. Obviously my body was telling me to rest for a reason. That evening, I sent an email to my friend Melissa who was planning to photograph the birth. We hadn't emailed each other in over a week, so I wanted to touch base with her to let her know that I would be in touch with her when the time came, even though I thought it would still be a while before I would go into labor. I sent that email at 6pm then prepared some leftover picadillo for Cohen and I to eat. I was still having contractions off and on like I had been all day, so I thought maybe a warm bath in our jacuzzi tub would help. The bath felt nice, but the contractions were still coming on strong. I was having to really focus and breathe through them. Cohen was so considerate too! He would ask me if I was okay and would tell me to "breathe like this Mommy" and do some deep breaths.. I thought to myself that I should probably start timing them because they seemed to be getting closer together.
I began timing my contractions at 8pm and sure enough, they were coming 7-8 minutes apart. Abe and I were texting each other back and forth around this time as he was getting ready for the concert to begin at 9pm and I was getting ready for bed. I think I was still in denial at this point that I was in labor. A few minutes before 9pm Abe and I sent our "Goodnight, I love you" final text messages and I got cozy in bed. I felt another contraction coming on, so I looked at my phone to check the time. It was 8:59pm. During that contraction, I felt a pop (or maybe a kick?) and then a gush of something come out of me. I thought my water broke! I let the contraction finish then I got up to use the restroom. I wasn't exactly sure if I had just peed on myself or if my water broke, so I called to check in with my doula. I wasn't able to get her on the phone so I called my mom to tell her what happened. My mom thought that my water had probably broken. While I was talking to my mom, Lorie, my doula called. I explained everything to her and she advised me to call my midwife at the birth center to find out what to do next. At some point during all of this, Cohen fell asleep in bed next to me. With every contraction I felt that I had to use the bathroom. Each time I went I was noticing more blood and discharge and something that must have been my mucus plug. I was certain that I was in labor at this point.
Next, I called the after-hours cell phone for the birth center and left a message. It was likely that my midwife would have me drive to the birth center to get my IV and antibiotics started since I tested positive for Group B Strep. In the meantime, I started gathering my bag and overnight stuff, the baby's bag and the infant seat and I called Abe's cousins Cris and Celia to see if they could come and stay with Cohen while he slept. I had really wanted Cohen to be a part of the birth, but since he had just dozed off for the night, I knew it would be better to call someone and have them stay with him. After about 20 minutes, I called the midwife cell phone again and got a hold of my midwife, Gina. She wanted me to come into the birth center. I called my doula, explained everything and she was on her way to pick me up and drive me there. I also sent Abe a text message that read, "My water broke. Call me." I continued gathering my stuff (because at this point I still hadn't completely packed my bag) and prepared a red raspberry leaf tea infusion to drink during labor as my midwife advised. I also called Abe's cell phone a zillion times, but got no answer. I decided to text Abe Number Two's wife Kathryn to see if she could get a hold of her hubby since I couldn't reach mine. Around 10pm Abe's cousins arrived to stay with Cohen and my doula Lorie came to pick me up. We packed up the car and were on our way to the birth center.
On the way, I sent a text to my friend Melissa (the photographer) to let her know I was in labor and that I would be in touch with her as it got closer. Also on the way, my mom called, my two sisters were text messaging me, and finally Abe called me! He was going to get a taxi back to his hotel, pick up his things and would be on his way. At this point I was having to take breaks from talking in order to focus and breathe through my contractions. We arrived at the birth center around 11pm. They took my vitals and my midwife checked me. She first checked to see if my water broke (it hadn't and I was shocked...I was sure it had broken earlier) and then checked to see how dilated I was. I was three centimeters. My doula helped me to strain the loose red raspberry leaves from my tea while the midwife prepared one of the birth rooms. My contractions seemed to be coming more frequently and I vividly remember becoming quite annoyed with a barking dog outside and noises from the "labor cat" that apparently only comes around the birth center when there's a woman in labor.
Once we got into the birth room, Gina turned on some dim lights and low music while I drank the red raspberry leaf tea infusion. It tasted like dirt. I tried to drink it quickly and it made me a little queasy. Next, I got the IV fluids and antibiotics. This procedure took a little longer than expected. You see, I have really good veins (lots of nurses have told me so anyway), but they tend to move and roll away from needles. I got stuck about six times before Gina called another midwife out of bed to help. Ramona, a visiting midwife, was able to stick me the very first try. In Gina's defense, she had started my IV just two days earlier during my food poisoning incident and I felt NOTHING! Anyway, once I was hooked up to the IV I continued laboring in positions that felt comfortable to me. I sat on the birth ball, stood up and leaned over the counter, and tried sitting backwards on the toilet. It was a bit hard for me to completely relax because the birth room was super cold. It cooled off quite a bit outside that night and someone at the birth center had left the AC on in the room all day. They had the heater on inside the birth room, but it was taking a while to warm up. Jesse, my sweet, sweet nurse gave me her hoodie to wear and some warm socks since I forgot mine.
The contractions continued getting more intense, but the pain was tolerable. As long as I focused on my breathing at the beginning of the contraction, I didn't seem to tense up as much during them. My doula was such a wonderful support person. She would talk me through each contraction and that helped tremendously. Just knowing that I wasn't alone was the best feeling. My midwife was also there during my labor, but my doula was solely focused on me. The midwife was busy charting, checking the baby's heart rate, and I guess monitoring me. It was also nice hearing both my midwife and doula tell me that I was doing great. I didn't honestly believe them at the time, but it helped me to hear it at least. It boosted the confidence I had in myself for sure.
When my IV was almost finished my midwife decided to check me again. She said I was a "tight seven". This was around 3 AM. My doula decided to call the photographer and I'm so glad she did because I wouldn't have been able to call her at this point. Next, Gina removed my IV and said I could try laboring in the birth tub since the warm water might help me to relax more and stay warm since I was still so cold. The warm water felt SO good! I was finally able to fully relax my tense, cold body between contractions! However, after getting into the water my contractions went from being tolerable to quite painful. From what I recall, I had about five super strong contractions in the water. Even though these contractions were long and painful, I was still able to relax between them. Then I had the most painful contraction yet. I wasn't able to just breathe through this one...I'm pretty sure I cried out in pain. It hurt! And then the contraction went away and I got a short one-minute break before the next one came.
The next part of my labor is pretty fuzzy in my memory, but this is what I recall. During the break in contractions, my friend Melissa called my doula and told my doula she had arrived. My doula walked outside to get Melissa to show her the way when another painful contraction came. Because my doula wasn't there with me, I started feeling a little unsure of myself and I tensed up big time. The contraction hurt SO, SO bad and I screamed. All I recall is my doula and Melissa walking into the birth room in the middle of my screaming. I will never forget the look on Melissa's face as she walked in! That was the worst contraction. I had one more intense contraction and after it was over I whispered to my doula, "I feel like I'm at that point where I can't do this anymore". I knew from reading Ina May's "Guide to Childbirth", that when a woman gets to this point in her labor that she is usually in transition. But I didn't believe I was at transition yet since I was barely seven centimeters dilated just 20 minutes before. My doula responded with words of confidence, such as, "That's good...this means you are almost there..." and as she was speaking I literally felt the baby's head drop down and it HURT! It took a few minutes for me to grasp what was going on and once I did I was able to breathe and relax again, only now I had to relax with the baby's head "down there".
Now it was time for me to push. I was instructed to push when I felt the next contraction coming on. The contraction came and I pushed as hard as I could. Next I felt a burning sensation and her head came out. This felt so uncomfortable that I felt I needed to change positions so I stood up from where I was kneeling in the birth tub. This position wasn't any more comfortable so I tried kneeling back down, but everyone shouted, "No, Dawn!", because the baby's head was already exposed to air when I stood up outside the water. So I had to finish pushing while standing up. I pushed hard three more times and the baby was out. It was 3:36 AM. I turned around and gently stepped over the umbilical cord that was still attached to both me and the baby and they handed my tiny perfect baby to me as I sat down again in the water. All the pain was gone once I had my baby girl in my arms. Everyone was shocked that I went from less than seven centimeters to birth in about 30 minutes, including myself. I swear it was the red raspberry leaf tea infusion that caused my labor to move along so fast. It was very intense, but also very fast.
Next, I called Abe. He was 20 minutes away. 20 minutes!! I delivered the placenta and my midwife decided to leave the umbilical cord intact. When Abe arrived he got to cut the cord and pretty much hold Abby right away. Delivering at the Holy Family Birth Center was the best, best experience.

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